Well it's that time of the year again.... a pattern of Pumpkin Spice Lattes at Starbucks and cinnamon scented homes. Speaking of homes, today is our last Thursday here in our little home. It's so bitter sweet.
*cue flashback*
When we first got this apartment, it was the far from homely. It was white walls and cold floors, chipped cabinets and I've got to admit.. a little odd smelling. Being that we were newly-weds, we didn't have much of a collection when it came to home decor, so it was my duty to make this house as homely as I could. Michael deployed shortly after we moved in, so what was I to do pregnant and alone? Piece together our humble abode of course! I wouldn't say this home is exactly what I've envisioned, after all.. I am a woman. I am anything but simple. However, over time it has come together quite nicely.
*back to the present*
Today we had an inspector come and take a look at the house. Give us the low down on what is up to their standards when it comes to moving out and cleaning the house. When the lady came in her jaw instantly dropped (which was a pleasant surprise for me) she said, "Wow, this place is absolutely stunning!" She complimented a few things and gallivanted around. She was so sweet I wanted to offer a cup of coffee and conversation, but I remembered she was there for business. After a tour of our home she told me that she wanted to use our home as a model home for Fort Stewart's Housing Advertisement. I was completely flattered! It's a good feeling to have someone walk into your home, who is supposed to be strictly critiquing it from wall to wall, and leave in love. I'm not one to brag, but I had to share the joy. I do work hard keeping my home a warm and welcoming place. So, Michael and I are going to be making a mini-video touring our home! HAHA! It's all so sweet and funny to me!
Now, about the holidays... as of last holiday season, I have become a serious "want to do craft" lady. I never did them, partly because I just had Forrest last holiday season and that is where my focus was; but, it's a new year and a new holiday! I have found some amazing crafts on Pintrest that I am itching to try! A few wreaths, a few home decor projects, a few holiday recipes, and even a few fashion ideas as well! Now I know that we are about to be uprooted, so I am trying to contain myself and not set myself up for disappointment if we are not settled come Thanksgiving/Christmas time. But I can ogle on google can't I? ;-) What is going on with you guys? Do you have any crafts you are anticipating or have even started? If so, I'd love for you to share!
Meanwhile, since this is our last week, we've got a lot to do. Packing. Planning. Goodbye-ing. And leaving. I am hoping and praying for a smooth transition. Did I mention that we are spending a week in Louisiana with my family?! I am extremely excited about that. If you know anything about me at all, you know that I love and adore my kin folks! :-) And even though I will be without my precious iMac for *bites lip and gulps* 4+ weeks.... I will have my iPad and will be documenting our journey the best I can! I am soooo excited! So if there is someone out there following me on this journey, get ready for lots of pictures, culture, and world traveling LOVE!
Hugs and kisses,
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